In the Attic

NOTE: There was, at one time, a post here that described my efforts over the last month to come to terms with what happened in my early childhood, around the time my parents separated. I talked to both of them, multiple times, in an attempt to piece together the story. I had intended to use this experience as a basis for healing my relationships to them, and specifically to my mother.

But I made some mistakes. I expected that honesty, even (or especially) in the form of “brutal” honesty, would set the stage for reconciliation. But I didn’t explain how sharing this experience publicly, on my blog, would contribute to the process. There were some hard feelings about how people were portrayed. The medium proved a detriment. I was making a public case when I should have been having a private discussion. I continue to believe that sharing my feelings, and reflecting on them, provides lasting value to readers who don’t know me personally (and hopefully, in a different way, to those who do).

I must always cast a critical eye upon myself, first and foremost. I’ve had some practice at this, and I hope it shows. But this post in particular is missing something that I can’t provide on my own: the informed participation of my parents. Much of what I wrote in the full version of this post will be restored, I expect. People may again disapprove of how they are portrayed, though hopefully less so. Going forward, I must recognize that my writing has consequences, must consider those effects more carefully, and try harder to be fair and kind to my fellow humans while also serving a mission to understand myself, and all of us, a little better.

Assistance appreciated, feedback welcomed.

With thanks,
